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Making a Virginia's Burger at Home

We miss our Virginia’s Burger as much as you do! We realize that there's no substitute for the real thing but here are some tips for you to make your own delicious burger at home:

The meat:  We use a blend of 80-20 (80% lean, 20% fat) but you can really use whatever you'd like and whatever blend of meat you'd like.  Pro-tip: grind your meat yourself using a food processor or grinder attachment!

Seasoning: We don't use any special marinade or seasoning, but what most restaurants do is season more aggressively than the average home cook.  By seasoning the burger on all sides with salt and pepper (not just top and bottom, remember the sides!), you're able to really create a nice crust.

Cooking:  HEAT!  Assuming you don't have a super hot plancha like we do at Virginia's, you'll want to get a heavy cast-iron pan as hot as possible and use an oil with a high smoke point (like grapeseed oil). Don’t forget to open the windows first!

Bun: We use a brioche bun but you can use whatever you'd like, or no bun at all to avoid gluten.  Butter lettuce wraps would be a nice alternative!

Add sauteed onions, mayonnaise and whatever else you'd like and then pair it with a nice glass of red wine or a beer!  We might recommend a nice IPA from Other Half, one of our favorites!  

Feel free to post a photo of your burger and tag us on instagram @virginiasnyc

Can't wait to see you back at Virginia's soon!!!

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